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Business Landline Phone services

Reliable business voice service with crystal-clear quality
Call 866-476-9909855-891-4083 to learn more
A business connection you can count on
Crystal-clear voice quality over a secure connection
Wide range of calling features
Extra extensions and advanced features available with additional on-site hardware (PBX)
Traditional Phone features
Caller ID
See who is calling before you answer the phone.
Call Forwarding
Automatically forward all your calls to another number so you never miss a call.
Caller Transfer
Transfer a call to any other number, including wireless numbers.
Call Waiting
Receive notification if there's a second call while you are on the line.
Route incoming calls to a live employee before sending a busy signal or to voicemail.
Call Waiting ID
View information for a second incoming caller while you are on the phone.
Last Call Return
Find out who your last caller was and automatically return the call.
Three-Way Calling
Talk to two people at separate locations at the same time.
Personal Ringtones
Identify specific incoming callers by assigning them a distinctive ring.
Additional monthly fee applies to these features:
Business Voicemail Service
A feature-rich way to send, retrieve or listen to your messages.
Inside Wire Maintenance
Our trouble location and inside telephone wire repair plan.
Have 20 or more employees?
Visit our Medium Business VoIP solutions page.